jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Daily Routine

Hello good students!

This post is especifically about Daily Routine. I propose this video for you to get a little revision of the rules and of the most common verbs for daily routine, so please watch it. Pay attention and if you need, take notes :)

Keep on practicing!

Sorry if I insist too much on this but here I go again, it is very important that if you have any doubt or question to do, contact me on Facebook or send me an e-mail to eneve38@gmail.com. Don't save your doubts for yourselves, I'm always able to answer your questions :)
Now let's continue practicing :P
Simple Present-to work (In this exercise I expect you to fill only the first three columns, the fourth column called "interronegative form" is not really necessary, but if you want you can do it, it is not difficult at all)
 Fill in- Do or Does- Don't or Doesn't
Write down the missing sentences
Complete the sentences
Questions and negative sentences
Do, does, don't or doesn't

A pair of tips!

This post does not have to do with what we are learning, but it may be very useful for you.
As you must have noticed, in internet there are a lot of troublesome ads, they interrupt our process of learning so I bring you a pair of tips to get rid of those problematic ads:
First of all, I recomend you to download Google Chrome and use it as your default browser because it is, in my view, faster and  better than other browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Opera and I don't need to mention Internet Explorer xD. But the main reason I tell you this is the fact that Google Chrome allows you to install an extension to solve this problem, it is called AdBlock, you can install it for free from the Google Web Store once you are using Chrome.
Once you have it, forget about waiting before watching a video on YouTube and about any ad in any other site. :)

More about Simple Present/ Present Simple (it's the same ;) )

As I think that the explanations of the video I asked you to watch need to be extended now I'm sharing with you a PDF document where you can find more or less the same than in the video but, as it is a PDF document, it is written, so it'll be easier for you to understand without having to go back and forth in a video. The document also has some extra information, like rules and tips. And as it is in uploaded to Google Drive you can both read it online or download it :) Ok, here it is:
Simple Present

And after you studied it let's practice with the following exercises ;)
Present Simple
La tercera Persona del singular del Present Simple
Hablar de rutinas con el Present Simple
Repaso de las formas del Present Simple

Present Simple!

Hi kids, we continue studying the Present Simple Tense but not only of the verb to be, now we will learn using the list of verbs you have studied, and if you didn't, do it! :P
The first thing I want you to do is to watch this video. I don't agree with the pronunciation of the auxiliaries Do, Does, Don't and Doesn't so please go to Google Translate, write these words and click the button "listen" or "escuchar".
In this video you should be able to learn how to frame sentences in the affirmative, negative and interrogative form, the uses of this tense (Present Simple), some frequent words used in this tense and some very simple exercises, please do them and check them. Later I will be giving you more practice :)

Let's have some fun :)

Hello everybody, I'm back to give you an interesting game, "Grammar Ninja", that will facilitate you learning to recognize different kind of words (Nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc) it has 3 different levels of difficulty, start with Beginner Ninja, and if you need a more challenging experience, choose Skilled Ninja or Master Ninja. The game is too easy to play, so try it. It will be funny :)

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Practice and more practice!

Hi! Here you have more exercises, this is very important for you to improve your use of this verb. It is not very difficult, is it? Now, the exercises are a little bit more difficult ;) Well, remember that if you have any question for me you can contact me via Facebook or sending me an e-mail to eneve38@gmail.com
"Jobs: Simple Present"to be""
"El presente del verbo to be"
"Forma interrogativa y negativa del verbo to be"

Verb "to be" and Personal Pronouns

Hello again, I hope you are studying the list of verbs I'd given you in my last post beacuse we'll be using them soon :) Now, we are going to learn about how to use the different forms of the verb "to be" (Ser o Estar) in Simple Present tense; and Personal Pronouns. Read carefully, here you will learn the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of this verb and also the contractions or short forms of it. For this, please, follow this link. I will ask you to please ignore the sections 3.2 to 3.6, so from section 3 ("Conjugación del verbo to be") take only into account 3.1 (Presente Simple- Simple Present).
Now it's time to try yourselves by doing some exercises :D Please, practice with the following easy activities, they are only for you to know if you are learning or not, so don't lie yourselves... be honest ;) Good luck!
 Complete with the affirmative form of the verb to be.
 Complete with the negative form of the verb to be.
 Interrogative Form: Choose the correct form of the verb

If you have doubts and need more explanations contact me via Facebook or send me an e-mail to eneve38@gmail.com

martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

Verbs' Vocabulary

Today we're starting with a list of verbs, their translations and illustrations, study them so we can introduce the topic that matters: Simple Present :)

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Welcome to my blog!

Hello there! This blog will be our place for learning English and was created with the intention of facilitating it by giving you some theory, exercises to practice, and ways to contact me if you need to ask me about anything referred to what we are studying. I hope it'll be useful for you :)